Key Performance Indicators can either guide your team toward meaningful outcomes or lead you down a path of distractions. In my latest post, I dive into how to choose the right KPIs, build a KPI tree to align your team, and leverage metrics like the North Star to keep everyone focused on what really matters. Don’t just measure—measure what matters.

Check out the full post to learn how to turn data into action! #KPIs #BusinessMetrics #NorthStarMetric #DataDriven

In today’s fast-paced work environment, it’s easy to get caught up in processes and frameworks, losing sight of what truly matters: creating value. The key isn’t in perfecting every process but in understanding why we’re doing what we do. By focusing on purpose and aligning every decision with delivering real impact, we ensure our work drives meaningful results. Whether it’s measuring return on investment (ROI) beyond revenue or adapting frameworks to serve the bigger picture, value should always be the North Star guiding our efforts.

From my experience, I’ve seen how frameworks can be both a blessing and a curse. They provide valuable structure but can easily become crutches. When I’ve worked with people who lacked the confidence or skills to adapt these systems to real-world challenges, I noticed they often clung to them rigidly. In my work across product management, UX, engineering, and agile software development—including Scrum and Lean—I’ve observed similar patterns. Inexperienced professionals sometimes rely too heavily on frameworks, rules, processes, or checklists, rather than focusing on delivering real value or making an impact. Through this post, I want to explore why rigid adherence to frameworks can limit meaningful outcomes and how we can shift toward more flexible, value-driven thinking. The Safety Net …

Breaking Free from Rigidity: How Insecurity Leads to Rigid Thinking and Limits Progress Read more »