Unlock the potential of AI in software development: streamline workflows, automate tasks, and boost productivity. Embrace the future of coding, where human ingenuity collaborates with intelligent systems to create remarkable technologies.

As someone who works with apprentices and trainees, I have a perspective on how people learn and what methods are most effective for conveying information. My experience has taught you that different people have different learning styles, and that finding the right approach can be critical to their success. By understanding the science of learning and the different methods that exist, I can be a more effective mentor and guide to those I work with. Having expertise in this area is invaluable, and I hope this post helps to further enhance your understanding of how humans learn. How Humans Learn Humans learn in many different ways, but in general, the learning process involves taking in new information, processing it, and …

Learning: Effective Methods for Growth Read more »

Change is essential for growth, but managing change can be challenging. Change management models provide a structured approach to navigate the complexities of change. In this blog post, we’ll explore common change models and best practices to empower your change journey and embrace new opportunities for success.

Measuring change is crucial for progress and informed decisions, and there are various methods available, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and the choice should depend on the research question, context, and available resources. Regardless of the method chosen, it’s essential to ensure that the results are valid, reliable, and meaningful.