From my experience, I’ve seen how frameworks can be both a blessing and a curse. They provide valuable structure but can easily become crutches. When I’ve worked with people who lacked the confidence or skills to adapt these systems to real-world challenges, I noticed they often clung to them rigidly. In my work across product management, UX, engineering, and agile software development—including Scrum and Lean—I’ve observed similar patterns. Inexperienced professionals sometimes rely too heavily on frameworks, rules, processes, or checklists, rather than focusing on delivering real value or making an impact. Through this post, I want to explore why rigid adherence to frameworks can limit meaningful outcomes and how we can shift toward more flexible, value-driven thinking. The Safety Net …

Breaking Free from Rigidity: How Insecurity Leads to Rigid Thinking and Limits Progress Read more »

As someone who works with apprentices and trainees, I have a perspective on how people learn and what methods are most effective for conveying information. My experience has taught you that different people have different learning styles, and that finding the right approach can be critical to their success. By understanding the science of learning and the different methods that exist, I can be a more effective mentor and guide to those I work with. Having expertise in this area is invaluable, and I hope this post helps to further enhance your understanding of how humans learn. How Humans Learn Humans learn in many different ways, but in general, the learning process involves taking in new information, processing it, and …

Learning: Effective Methods for Growth Read more »

Profit from the awareness of your internal processes that comes with The Ladder of Inference. Use that to questions and validate your assumptions, beliefs and actions.

The four ears model by Friedemann Schulz von Thun explains how communication works in the field of practice. This four ears model is an excellent reminder of the extent of information we get when talking. Also, this communication model gives us critical points for further action or talks.