When you have a Product Vision, you know what you’re standing for and you know what you’re not. You know what your product is going to look like and what it is not. If that doesn’t convince you why do you need a product vision: A Product Vision also guides your product strategy and aligns the team behind it. What is a product vision? A product vision is a description of the essence of your product. It is a statement that describes why your product exists and what differentiates your product from other similar products on the market. Your vision is a big picture of a product that will guide you to build your MVP or what’s your product like …

Why do I need a Product Vision? Read more »

Your technical debt is product debt and product debt is business debt! Start giving your technical debt the attention it deserves or it will punish you later. Technical debt is business debt, the funds are just not borrowed from a bank but taken from engineers. This sounds provokative? Read further because tech debt is business debt! What is technical debt? The term was coined by Ward Cunningham, who said “If we failed to make our program align with what we then understood to be the proper way to think about our financial objects, then we were going to continue to stumble on that disagreement which is like paying interest on a loan.”. Further he added “Shipping first-time code is like …

Pay back time… tech debt is business debt! Read more »